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Rules / Regulamin - Forum

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Forum moderator: foo  
Rules / Regulamin
NifiDate: Monday, 2011-01-24, 16:34:26 | Message # 1
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline

Hello and welcome to our **/AK/**Servers. To ensure interesting matches and fun/
entertainment on servers, we created a list of rules, on what all should pay
If you notice a player, who dont follow the rules, please write a PM to admins, or
maka a post in forum in the several thread „any problems with server “ ( it is helpful
to use screenshots or a demo)!

Take care on your teammates, all players and also to admins. Respect them, like
you want to get respect also from others. Decisions by admin are to accept! We all
are only humans, so mistakes can happen, if u notice a wrong decison by admin,
then use the forum to contact us and express yourself (it‘s senseless to start a
discussion in game)

U wanna play smoothed together with ur teammates. Therefor it is requested to have
the right settings. Please make sure, that u have a rate: 25000. For changing the
rate, open your console with ^ and push first one time backspace, then enter: /rate
25000 or alternate: check under ESC/Options/System wether u took as connection

Players with ping permanent higher than 300 get warned to fix their ping. If that
shouldnt help, player get kicked for fix his ping. If he dont get the intention and dont
react, player can get temporary banned.

In public chat it is reuqested to use only english language!
Via PM you can use any language you want!
The server isn‘t a public chatroom, so if you wanna talk individual to friends, then use
PM for this please.
Insults are not tolerated!
Any racist expressions in chat are not permitted!
For admins it‘s permitted to use any language in public chat for help players with
settings in every case!!!

Political names, religious names or rasistic names (p.e. Adlof Hitler, Osama Bin
Laden, George Bush, Pope) are not tolerated!!!
Name-stealing is not allowed!!!
**/AK/**-tag is secured by Armia Krajowa Clan and is reserved for their official
members. Unallowed using of the **/AK/**-tag will result in a ban!!!

Any cheats (for example aimbot) are not permitted!!! Players who use cheats/
programs to get an advantage vs. enemy team get banned suddenly and permanent
by admins!!! These bans will be not removed in general!!!
Teamkill and selfkill is in general not allowed!!! If friendly fire is activated, as exception it‘s
permitted to kill ur teammate to revive him much quickly!!! A teamkill without intention
can happen sometimes, then it is requested to say sorry suddenly!!! For teamkills, selfkill u
can get kicked, or banned temporary/ permanent!
Spawnkill isn't allowed with heavy weapons! (panza, flame, bazooka, artillery ect.)
Bleeding is not permitted!
Pushing/ blocking teammates is not permitted!!! In this case the admin can handle it
himself free (kick/ ban temporary)!
If u are afk go spectator. If u dont do that, you block your team for players who like to
play and help the team.
Permanent-Spectator is only permitted for server-admins!!!

Spamming/ Commercial
Spamming with commands and fun-sounds is not appreciated!
Commercial, religious and political statements (whatever for) are not allowed!


If all follow the rules, we will have much fun on servers!!!
We wish you a good game and good luck!!!

Your sincerely **/AK/**-Team

NifiDate: Monday, 2011-01-24, 16:34:59 | Message # 2
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline
NifiDate: Monday, 2011-01-24, 16:35:42 | Message # 3
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline

NifiDate: Monday, 2011-01-24, 16:35:47 | Message # 4
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline

NifiDate: Monday, 2011-01-24, 16:36:46 | Message # 5
Group: Members
Messages: 13
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline

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